Influence of Soybean Cultivar on Reproduction of Heterodera glycines in Monoxenic Culture
Nematodes produced in monoxenic culture are used for many research purposes. To maximize the number of Heterodera glycines produced in culture, 24 soybean cultivars (maturity groups 0-8) were evaluated for host suitability. A strain of H. glycines race 3, maintained in monoxenic culture on excised soybean root tips of cv. Kent, was inoculated into 20 petri dishes of each cultivar. The highest numbers of first-generation females per petri dish were produced on cultivars Bass, Williams 82, Kent, Proto, and Chapman, and the lowest on cultivars Lambert and Chesapeake. A diapause-like period with decreased nematode production was recorded on some cultivars but not others. Six generations of cultivation on CX 366 did not affect the number of females produced. The results indicated that soybean maturity group could not be used as a parameter for selecting the optimum cultivars for nematode production, and that only J2 petri dishes needed to be counted to determine a 60-female difference per petri dish among cultivars. This study demonstrated that H. glycines populations in monoxenic culture can be more than quadrupled by selection of an appropriate soybean cultivar. Key words: Glycine max, Heterodera glycines, monoxenic culture, propagation, root tip culture, soybean, soybean cyst nematode, technique, tissue culture.Downloads
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