Host Suitability of Twelve Leguminosae Species to Populations of Meloidogyne hapla and M. chitwoodi


  • G. D. Griffin
  • M. D. Rumbaugh


Legumes of the genera Astragalus (milkvetch), Coronilla (crownvetch), Lathyrus (pea vine), Lotus (birdsfoot trefoil), Medicago (alfalfa), Melilotus (clover), Trifolium (clover), and Vicia (common vetch) were inoculated with a population ofMelaidogyne chitwoodi from Utah or with one of three M. hapla populations from California, Utah, and Wyoming. Thirty-nine percent to 86% of alfalfa (M. scutellata) and 10% to 55% of red clover (T. pratense) plants survived inoculation with the nematode populations at a greenhouse temperature of 24 ± 3ordm;C. All plants of the other legume species survived all nematode populations, except 4% of the white clover (T. repens) plants inoculated with the California M. hapla population. Entries were usually more susceptible to the M. hapla populations than to M. chitwoodi. Galling of host roots differed between nematode populations and species. Root-galling indices (1 = none, 6 = severely galled) ranged from 1 on pea vine inoculated with the California population of M. hapla to 6 on yellow sweet clover inoculated with the Wyoming population of M. hapla. The nematode reproductive factor (Rf = final nematode population/initial nematode population) ranged from 0 for all nematode populations on pea vine to 35 for the Wyoming population of M. hapla on alfalfa (M. sativa). Key words: host suitability, legumes, leguminosae, Meloidogyne chitwoodi, M. hapla, pathology, reproduction, root galling, root-knot nematode, resistance, shoot weight, survival, susceptibility.





