Spatial-temporal Patterns of Meloidogyne konaensis on Coffee in Hawaii


  • Fengru Zhang
  • D. P. Schmitt


Population densities ofMeloidogyne konaensis were determined in March and July of 1991 and 1992 on coffee cultivars Guatemalan and 502, and on four rootstocks (Purpuree, Congensis, Deweveri, and Kaffe) with Guatemalan or 502 as a scion. Three-dimensional spatial patterns were characterized on roots of Guatemalan and Deweveri. Population densities differed among rootstocks (P 0.05) and times (P 0.01). The greatest number of second-stage juveniles (J2) occurred on Guatemalan and fewest J2 on Purpuree and Deweveri rootstocks. More nematodes were found in March than in July of both years. The spatial distribution varied by positions and depths on Guatemalan. The highest nematode population density occurred at 60 cm from the base of the tree and 15-45 cm deep. Numbers of nematodes were relatively low at all positions and all depths on the Guatemalan-Deweveri combination. Key words: coffee arabica, coffee, ecology, Kona coffee root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne konaensis, nematode, population distribution.





