Mesocriconema ornicauda n. sp. and Ogma floridense n. sp. (Nematoda: Criconematidae) from Two Florida Habitats


  • N. Vovlas
  • R. N. Inserra
  • R. P. Esser


Mesocriconema ornicauda n. sp. and Ogmafloridense n. sp. are described from two native habitats of central and northwestern Florida. Mesocriconema ornicauda is closest to M. annulatiforme (De Grisse & Loof, 1967) Loof & De Grisse, 1989, but differs by the shorter stylet of the female (43-50 vs. 54-65 [mu]m) and the moderately conoid tail of the male, which is pointed in M. annulatiforme. Ogmafloridense is closest to O. hungaricum (Andrassy, 1972) Siddiqi, 1986. Females differ from those of O. hungaricum by the first of two labial annuli being wider, whereas they are subequal in O. hungaricum. Ogmafloridense females differ also by entire or bifid cuticular scales, which are consistently divided into two or four projections in O. hungaricum, the shorter body (360-471 vs. 480-550 [mu]m), the shorter stylet (87-98 vs. 95-100 [mu]m), and the more anteriorly located excretory pore (Rex = 17-19 vs. 21-23). Key words: Mesocriconema annulatiforme, M. ornicauda, Florida, morphology, new species, Ogma floridense, O. hungaricum, ring nematode, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), taxonomy.





