Response of Soybean to Heterodera glycines Races 1 and 2 in Different Soil Types


  • D. P. Schmitt
  • H. Ferris
  • K. R. Barker


Experiments were conducted for 3 years at four locations and 1 year with six soil types at a common location in North Carolina to determine damage and control-cost functions for Heterodera glycines races 1 and 2 on soybean. In the experiments on native loamy sand and sandy soils, tolerance limits for initial population densities were 0 or very low, whereas in a muck, the tolerance limit was 315 eggs/500 cm³ soil. The aggressive race 2 was more damaging than race 1 in Lakeland sand and Norfolk loamy sand. The crop response was not different between races in the Appling sandy clay loam and Belhaven muck. Soybean yield responses to H. glycines were linear in six soil types in microplots at a common site. The amount of damage varied among these soil types, with lowest yields in the muck because of severe drought stress in this soil. An exponential function adequately described soybean yield response relative to nematode control with increasing rates of aldicarb in Norfolk loamy sand. Treatment with aldicarb in the Lakeland sand decreased the effective egg population of H. glycines but had only a minor effect in the muck. Key words: aldicarb, chemical control, control-cost function, damage function, Glycine max, Heterodera glycines, soybean, soybean cyst nematode, damage threshold.





