Selection and Inbreeding of Heterodera glycines on Glycine max
Few soybean cyst nematodes (SCN), Heterodera glycines, of a diverse gene pool developed into females on soybeans PI 89772 or PI 209332. Nematodes surviving the selection pressure were then inbred for nine generations by single cyst transfers on the same selecting soybean line. These nematodes appeared to tolerate concurrent selection and inbreeding. Effects of selection-inbreeding, selection only, and secondary selection were evaluated by relative ability to produce cysts on 11 soybean lines. The genetic differences of PI 89772 (also Peking and Pickett 71) and PI 209332 were reaffirmed. The random effects of inbreeding indicated that Ilsoy and Williams may have genes for resistance different from those in PI 89772 or PI 209332. Egg inoculum obtained from soil resulted in very few cysts in some tests. Fresh egg inoculum (from cysts on 27-30-day-old plants) generally resulted in more cysts and more consistent results. Concurrent with the change in inoculum, there was a large increase in relative numbers of cysts on several soybean lines but no change on other lines; the true cause of this large interaction is unknown. Secondary selection of two inbreds was effective and suppressed cyst numbers on the line on which one inbred was selected initially. These results are consistent with the allelism linkage of some SCN genes reported previously. Key words: soybeans, cyst nematodes, resistance, genes, frequencies.Downloads
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