Description of Meloidogyne pini n. sp., a Root-Knot Nematode Parasitic on Sand Pine (Pinus clausa), with Additional Notes on the Morphology of M. megatyla


  • J. D. Eisenback
  • Baojun Yang
  • K. M. Hartman


Meloidogynepini n. sp. is described from sand pine, Pinus clausa, in Georgia. The perineal pattern of the female has a large cuticular ridge surrounding a deeply recessed perivulval area. The lateral fields are marked by transverse striae. The female stylet is 14.6 [mu]m long, and the knobs are small, rounded, and set off from the straight and narrow shaft. The excretory pore is near the level of the base of the stylet. The labial disc of the male is large, rounded, and fused with the crescent-shaped medial lips. The head region is smooth, the styler is 20.8 [mu]m long, and the cone is more than twice as long as the shaft. The knobs are rounded and set off from the shaft. In the second-stage juvenile, the labial disc, medial lips, and lateral lips form one smooth, continuous, ovoid head cap. Mean juvenile length is 434 [mu]m, stylet length is 12.8 [mu]m, and tail length is 44.4 [mu]m. M. pini n. sp. also parasitizes loblolly and slash pine. Additional morphological details of M. megatyla are presented. Key words: taxonomy, host range, scanning electron microscopy, Pinus taeda, loblolly pine, Pinus elliotti, slash pine, new species.





