Development of Heterodera glycines Ichinohe on Soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., under Gnotobiotic Conditions
The life cycle of the soybean cyst nematode, Race 3 (SCN 3), Heterodera glycines Inchinohe was determined from observations of the developmental stages on soybean Glycine max cv. Kent root explants under gnotobiotic conditions at 25 C. Approximately 51% of the second-stage larvae penetrated the root l day after inoculation (DAI). Third-stage larvae appeared 4 DAI, became sexually differentiated 5 DAI, and protruded from the root tissues 6 DAI. Fourth-stage males and females were observed 7 DAI. Ensheathcd adult males were observed at 9 DAI and exsheathed to free adults at 11 DAI. The fourth-stage female became an adult at l0 DAI, Males entwined arotmd the gelatinons sac of the female at 12 DAI and were assumed to be mating. Some males actually penetrated and were enveloped by the gelatinous sac. The female-to-male sex ratio ranged from 2.3 to 9.5:1. First- and second-stage larvae were observed in the egg 17 and 19 DAI, respectively. The life cycle of the SCN 3 was completed 21 DAI upon hatching of the eggs and emergence of second-stage larvae. The average number of eggs in the cyst body and gelatinous sac, was 210 and 187, respectively. Key words: reproduction, soybean cyst nematode, scanning electron microscopy.Downloads
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