Pathological Interaction of a Combination of Heterodera schachtii and Meloidogyne hapla on Tomato


  • G. D. Griffin
  • W. W. Waite


Increased culturing of a tomato population of Heterodera schachtii (UT1C) on tomato for 480 days (eight inoculation periods of 60 days each) significantly increased virulence to 'Stone Improved' tomato. A synergistic relationship existed between Meloidogyne hapla and H. schaehtii on tomato. A combination of H. schachtii (UTIC) and M. hapla significantly reduced tomato root weights by 65, 64, and 61% below root weights of untreated controls, and single inoculations of M. hapla and H. schachtii, respectively. This corresponded to root reductions of 42, 44, and 46% from a combination of H. schachtii (UT1B) and M. hapla. Antagonism existed between H. schachtii and M. hapla with regard to infection courts and feeding sites. The root-knot galling index dropped from 6.0 with a single inoculation of M. hapla to 4.3 and 3.3 with combined inoculations of M. hapla plus UT1B and M. hapla plus UTIC cyst nematode populations. The pathological virulence of H. schachtii to sugarbect was not lost by extended culturing on tomato; there were no differences in penetration, maturation, and reproduction between sugarbeet populations continually cultured on sugarbeet and the population continually cultured on tomato. Key words: sugarbeet cyst nematode, northern root-knot nematode, Lycopersicon esculentum, Beta vulgaris, physiological variability, races, synergism, antagonism.





