The Histopathological Reactions of Vigna sinensis to Separate and Concomitant Parasitism by Meloidogyne javanica and Rotylenchulus reniformis


  • A. H. Y. Taha
  • A. S. Kassab


Cellular alterations in cowpea roots and nodules induced by single and concomitant Meloidogyne javanica and Rotylenchulus reniformis were investigated. M. javanica induced giant cells inside the vascular bundles of roots and nodules, and syncytia in cortical tissue of the nodules. In contrast, R. renilormis stimulated hypertrophy of pericycle and endodermal cells of the roots and nodules. Syncytia induced in the roots involved a sheet of pericycle cells and an endodermal cell. Cortical ceils of nodules also responded to R. reniformis infection, initiating wall gaps that led to syncytial formation. Coincidence of giant cells or syncytla of both nematodes was observed either in one vascular bundle or in separate ones. The histopathology of roots and nitrogen nodules infected by the two species remained unique even when they were feeding in close proximity. R. reniformis induced characteristic syncytia and M. javanica induced giant cells. Key Words: Giant cells, syncytia, root-knot nematode, reniform nematode, legume, cowpea, bacterial nodules.





