Studies on the Host Range of Xiphinema bakeri and Its Pathogenicity to Raspberry


  • F. D. McElroy


Thirty-one kinds of plants representing 12 families were tested for host suitability to Xiphinema bakeri. Sixteen supported a significant population increase but only members of the Rosaceae and Solanaceae were severely damaged. Eight of the 12 weed species tested were good hosts; Mouse-ear chickweed allowed the greatest population increase of all plants tested. Populations of X. bakeri declined under selected members of the Ctucifeme and Cucurbitaceae more than in fallow soil after 12 weeks. Numbers of X. bakeri as low as one pcr 5 cc of soil reduced root and top growth of raspberry 40-50%. Where 100 and 500 nematodes per 10.5 em-diameter pot were used the mean weight of roots was reduced 54% and 77%, the tops 59% and 78% and the linear growth 48% and 78%, respectively. This is the first report of an ectoparasitic nematode pathogenic to raspberry. Key Words: Population dynamics, Feeding symptoms.





