Submission Guidelines, Extended

Your submission should include the following:

Title Page:

  • A clear, informative main title that encapsulates the content of your article. Keeping the title relevant and concise will make it easier for researchers to find your article online. Please avoid abbreviations and acronyms.
  • Author names and affiliations. Include name, title, department and institutional affiliation, full postal address, phone number, and e-mail address.  In the case of two or more authors, the corresponding author should be explicitly identified as such.
  • Keywords. Approximately 6 to 7 words or phrases that will help locate your article in online searches and be used for indexing purposes.
  • Word count of main body of text (if applicable)
  • Acknowledgements (Include personal acknowledgements only in this section (title page) for anonymity reasons)

Scholarly Abstract:

150 to 250 words. Only required for extended essays.

This should state briefly the purpose of and motivation behind the research, cover the approach and methods of study, the findings and conclusions of researcher(s), and their policy implications. Abstracts must be able to stand apart from the main body of research, thus, avoid References and uncommon or non-standard abbreviations. If essential, References should be cited by author and year, and abbreviations must be immediately defined at their first appearance in the abstract itself. In lieu of an abstract, exhibitions should include a brief, yet informative, description of the study. 

Main body of your text or exhibition material


Peer Review Policy and Guidelines 

This journal operates a rigorous, double anonymized review process in which neither the identity of the reviewer nor the author are revealed to either party. Anonymized submissions will be sent to two independent expert reviewers for assessment. The Editor will make the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of the submission based on reviewer feedback.

Ethics/Editorial Policy 


Please provide a list of authors, making sure to include any and all those who made significant contributions to the article. Ensure that all contributors agree on the chosen corresponding author and the co-authors order. The order of authorship should be based solely on the relative contributions of each individual. Review all contact information and affiliations details before submitting. Any changes to the list of authors must be confirmed by all contributing authors. Such changes are only permissible during the review process and must be explained to your assigned editor. 


All those whose contributions do not qualify them to receive co-author status should be included in this section, with explanations of how each contributor added to the study conducted or to the article itself. State the date and location at which any earlier versions of the submission were presented at a conference or seminar.

If relevant, please identify any and all funding sources, clarifying the role of each sponsor in study design and research methodology, collection and analysis of data, article composition, and decision to submit. Detailed descriptions of the type of grants and awards is unnecessary.

Declaration of Competing Interests

A declaration of competing interests makes clear that no external circumstances, such as financial, professional, contractual, or personal connections, have influenced the contents or publication of your submission. Corresponding authors should include this statement, on behalf of all contributing authors, in the acknowledgements section.

Data Availability Statement

Please provide a data availability statement, making sure that it is separate from the main body of your submission so as not to compromise the double-blind review process. This statement should tell readers if the evidence supporting your findings is available and where it may be accessed. Such statements allow for increased visibility of research data, making the research process transparent and reproducible.


Manuscript Preparation

Originality and Language

Submissions should be written in a style accessible to the general reader, using clear, plain language that avoids jargon and explains any technical terms to non-experts in the field while maintaining formality. Submissions are accepted in both British and American English, but please note that the chosen style of your submission should remain consistent throughout. 

The use of inclusive and appropriate language is required of all submissions. The content of submissions should be sensitive to and respectful of individuals of all genders, races, cultures, ethnicities, ages, sexual orientations, and physical and mental abilities. Submissions must be free of bias and should not make assumptions about readers’ beliefs or understandings, nor should reference be made to dominant culture or cultural assumptions. The use of stereotypes and slang is not tolerated. Avoid making general reference to entire regions unless all countries in the region are included in your analysis. To prevent gender exclusive language, do not refer to people as masculine unless it is intended. Gender neutral language, through the use of plural nouns, should be the default. Unless a person’s specific sex, age, marital status, ethnicity, mental and physical ability, sexual orientation or race is specifically relevant to your argument, avoid description of such personal attributes. 

Where relevant, please give both the local currency and its equivalent in USD or EUR, as well as the date of conversion. 

Define foreign terms and translate bibliographic references. For titles written in a foreign language, provide the original version first, followed by the translated version in brackets. The first appearance of acronyms and abbreviations should include their expanded version.



Although each kind of submission should adhere to its respective formatting guidelines, in general, all submissions should make clear a cohesive, formal argument on the topic at hand. 

Extended essays and short essays

Please make sure your submission includes the following:

  • Title page
  • Abstract 
  • Body (including clearly defined sections)* 
  • Reference list
  • Figures and tables (if applicable)
  • Any supplementary information
  • Page numbers

* For short essays, include sections when necessary and helpful for readers, at your discretion.


The entirety of your submission must include the following:

  • Title page
  • Body
  • Reference list
  • Supplementary information (if applicable)
  • Page numbers


Selection for Publication

Your assigned editor will notify you if your submission is accepted for publication. Once a submission has been accepted, the editing process will begin, with updates provided by the editorial assistant. Authors must check their proofs carefully for completeness and accuracy of the text and other included media, as well as for errors in typography, names, affiliations, sequence, and contact details. Please note that at this stage of the production, process corrections must be of a typographical nature and this is not an opportunity to make major changes to the text (unless confirmed with editor). Subsequent requested changes cannot be guaranteed. 


Resubmissions are allowed if they have been duly revised, with all reviewer questions and criticisms fully addressed.


Illustrations and Media

Figures referenced in the text should be placed directly in the main body of the article. There is no limit on the number of figures you may include in your submission. Figures may be submitted as JPEG, PNG, EPS, TIFF or BMP files. Images should be at least 300 dpi. Line art (any text-based figure that is not a table) should be 600-1000 dpi.

Please note that all figures should be cited in the text and their source must be mentioned regardless of whether or not they require permissions. Please do not include reproduced material within your article unless it has been cleared with permission from the copyright holder, whose written permission must be provided upon request.


For each figure, provide a caption that adheres to the APA manual of style, of which the format is the following: 

Figure number. Title of the image (Source: Author, date, page number if appropriate)

Please note that if the image is your own, no citation or reference is necessary. Media that has been reproduced or adapted from another source must have a full reference and a note providing permission statements and/or copyright information.  


JAPPD Review Process

Reviewers are asked to answer the following questions:

  • How significant of a contribution to the discipline does the article make and is it sufficiently explained by the researchers?
  • Are the researcher’s conclusions supported by adequate evidence?
  • Are the article’s argument and interpretation of its data and sources sound?
  • Are there essential references missing?
  • Is the article well-organized?
  • Is the language clear and accurate?