Antennal Positions in Resting Pyralid Moths (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea).


  • F. Fernández-Y.
  • J. Clavijo-A.
  • J. B. Heppner


Atasthalistis, Arichanna, behavior, Chrysauginae, Crambidae, Crambinae, Dichomeris, Epipaschiinae, Ethmiinae, Galleriinae, Gelechiidae, Geometridae, Midilinae, Neotropical, Noctuidae, Nymphulinae, Odontiinae, Oecophoridae, Ostrinia, Phycitinae, Plutellidae, Pyralidae, Pyralinae, Pyraustinae, Salebriaria, Schoenobiinae, South America, Stenomatinae, Taiwan, taxonomy, Tineidae, Venezuela


Adult Pyralidae are found to have distinctive resting postures in regard to antennal position; typically, the antennae in various subfamilies are held in varying forms of a parallel position to the thorax and abdomen. Antennal resting position in this family is diagnostic in quickly identifying moths as members of the family.


