The Seed


  • Karl Lorenzen


The Seed, 2013, 9” x 12”, Watercolor and graphite

Author Biography

Karl Lorenzen

Artist bio

Karl Lorenzen is an artist who exhibits and teaches the arts of Sacred Geometry. He is

a faculty member of the New York Open Center and Anthroposophy NYC, and an

Artist in Residence at the Omega Institute, NY. His exhibitions include the Universal

Exposition - United Nations / Milan Expo 2015, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum,

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center inFUSION Gallery, Canadian Botanical

Association/ L’Association Botanique du Canada at Thompson Rivers University, and

the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. Karl is a member of Gamelan

Kusuma Laras, a Javanese orchestra hosted by the Indonesian Consulate of New

York, whose performance venues include The Asia Society, Metropolitan Museum of

Art, Brooklyn Museum, Rubin Museum, Tibet House, and Yale University.






Artwork and Photography