Agar Art Collage


  • Elizabeth E. Tremblay, MPH Florida State University College of Medicine, Class of 2023


At its core, the agar art collage is just agar, soy-based gelatinous bacteria food, and microbes, bacteria and fungi. While they can occasionally cause human disease, their presence on agar in the lab allows us to properly diagnose and treat those with an infection. Through this collage, I’m admiring their presence and reframing it, quite literally, in a more positive light.

The collage contains 10+ different types of agar and 30 different species of bacteria and fungi.
Over the years, I’ve amassed a collection of about 2,000 photos. I simply selected a few for this collage that would be a visually appealing representation of the diversity we see on a weekly basis in the clinical laboratory.

Author Biography

Elizabeth E. Tremblay, MPH, Florida State University College of Medicine, Class of 2023

Elizabeth Tremblay is a former infection control practitioner, current medical student, and always a lifelong learner.

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Artwork and Photography