Sixteen cool-season turfgrasses were overseeded on a TifSport1 bermudagrass fairway on 19 October 1999 and on a Tif dwarf' bermudagrass putting green on 20 October 1999 at Gainesville, FL. Both studies terminated on 31 May 2000. On the fairway, grasses with best seasonal turf quality scores, which averaged 8.0 on a scale of 1 to 9 where 9 = best, included perennial ryegrass cultivars 'Bayou', 'Breeze II', 'Buccaneer II', Intrepid', 'PL-1', 'Vibrant', and 'Wilgro Select'. On the putting green, grasses with best seasonal turf quality scores, which averaged 6.8, included perennial ryegrass cultivars 'Breeze II', 'Buccaneer II', 'PL-1', 'Vibrant', and 'Wilgro Select'.