Vol. 116 (2003): Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society

Frost control rules

J. David Martsolf
University of Florida

Publicado 2003-12-01

Palabras clave

  • citrus production,
  • cold protection,
  • freezes,
  • frost protection,
  • fawn,
  • disc,
  • frost prediction
  • ...Más


Rules are simply stated recommendations. The intent of presenting these rules is to avoid cold damage or reduce the extent of potential damage. The site selection rule is and has been broadly accepted. It is intended to avoid the problem. The more effectively site selection rules are obeyed the less need remains to consider additional frost control measures. Not all freezes are alike and they are not orderly in their timing. This realization leads to incentives to utilize automated variable rate systems where economically feasible. Growers have capitalized on the rich diversity that surrounds the problem. Such systems seldom evolve without economic incentives. A combination rule evolved from a realization that the most frequent freezes are mild. The treatment should fit the problem. This implies a heavy dependence on good local forecasts. Multiple strategies seem desirable, especially in the larger plantings. Another rule capitalizes on diversity. Facilities at hand have been pressed into use, e.g., a drought control system. It became apparent that nearly all integration rules are variations of the combination rule which declares that the effect of two or more methods used in conjunction is greater than the sum of the effects of the methods used singularly. It is intended that these deliberations be considered in the development of the cold protection module of the Decision Information System for Citrus [DISC].