Vol. 116 (2003): Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society

Survey and control of brazil pusley ( Richardia brasiliensis ) in Florida citrus

Rakesh S. Chandran
West Virginia University
Megh Singh
University of Florida

Publicado 2003-12-01

Palabras clave

  • citrus weed control,
  • population shifts


Surveys for Brazil pusley (Richardia brasiliensis) and Florida pusley (Richardia scabra) in leading citrus producing counties of Florida indicated the presence of only Brazil pusley, where Florida pusley was considered to predominate. Field and greenhouse studies were conducted to evaluate 2,4- D and glyphosate, applied separately, or as a tank mixture, or as a commercial prepackage mixture for Brazil pusley control. In separate field studies, tank mixing 2,4-D and glyphosate at 1.2 and 0.68 kg ae/ha provided 95% and 94% control at 5 weeks after treatment (WAT), compared to 85% and 53% control when glyphosate was applied alone at 0.68 kg;ha[sup-]. The prepackage mixture containing the same concentrations of 2,4-D and glyphosate provided 92% and 79% control of Brazil pusley, in the two field studies, respectively. In greenhouse studies, Brazil pusley control with 2,4-D + glyphosate tank mixed at 1.2 and 0.68 kg ha[sup-] was 91% and control with the prepackage mixture was 44%. Viability and regrowth of Brazil pusley rootstocks were not affected by the different herbicide treatments.