Publicado 2010-12-01
Palabras clave
- soil testing,
- plant analysis,
- fertilizer recommendations,
- crop nutrition,
- soil test calibration
- Spodosols ...Más
Soil testing could provide useful information for developing fertilizer programs for S fertilization. No reliable correlation has been found between soil extractable S or SO4-S and plant yield. The S fertilizer recommendations were not soil test based and relied upon leaf analysis results. The objectives of this study were to 1) compare soil extractants for SO4-S over selected soil samples and 2) compare these SO4-S values to total S in plant tissues and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) yield. Fifty-two paired soil from Spodosols and tomato leaf samples were collected for total S and SO4-S determination. Soil extracting solutions used were Mehlich-3, de-ionized water, and 0.025 M KCl. Linear regression analysis and slope comparison against an ideal linear regression line were used. Relationships between various soil extraction solutions and plant tissue S or tomato yield were found to be variable with low R2 values (<0.70). These results suggest that the predictability of any soil extractant with tomato plant tissue S or yield was low, thereby rendering a soil test based on these extractions unpractical. Hence, the current Florida recommendation for S using plant analysis should continue to be utilized.Citas
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