Vol. 134 (2021)
Agroecology & Natural Resources Section

The Palmeras: A Natural Reserve, Cubarral, Colombia

Four assorted images of different species of the genus Dracaena, which are commonly cultivated as foliage plants, on a light green background.

Publicado 2021-09-26


The Palmeras Natural Reserve (PNR) is located in the Municipality of Cubarral, Department of Meta, Colombia. It has 250 hectares (618 acres) of primary and secondary forests. Its elevations range between 5413 and 6233 feet above sea level, with temperatures ranging from 53 to 74 °F, rainfall above 4000 mm per year and average relative humidity of 90%. This ecosystem, within the humid premontane forest, is characterized as a transition zone between the regions of Orinoquia, Amazonia and the Andes, a habitat with high biological diversity. The Las Palmeras Reserve has been an important research center for biodiversity, as demonstrated in the findings of birds, mammals, and plant species. The dominant plant species include the Choapo palm (Dictyocaryum lamarckianum), and the most abundant is Colorao (Croizatia brevipetiolata). Other important plant species include Half cumin (Licaria canella), Matapalo (Clusia hachensis), Palomo (Alchornea glandulosa), Chuguaca (Hieronyma oblonga), Manzano (Billia rosea), Laurel (Aniba robusta), Quino (Ladembergia oblongifolia), Drago (Croton smithianus), and Palma macana (Wettinia fascicularis).