Polyhouse grown anthuriums were treated with five treatments and an untreated control on 10 July 2013, and repeated on 17 July 2013. A randomized complete-block design was used with four replications consisting of 120 potted anthuriums for each of the treatments. Plants were sprayed on the upper and lower leaf surfaces until runoff with a one-gallon CO2-pressurized sprayer (25 psi). Mite severity was rated prior to spraying on 10 July and 17 July. Young foliage was selected for severity measurements because this observation gives an indication of the progress of the mite feeding through the crop. Old feeding damage thus does not influence rating. The trial was begun with mites already present. On 17 July, all of the products were providing some mite control. However, Spider Mite Killer, PLP, and Avid provided best mite control as compared to the Palmolive Soap and the Insecticidal Soap treatments. No phytotoxicity was noted.