Vol. 116 (2003): Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society

Fort Lauderdale winter trial garden

Kimberly K. Moore
University of Florida

Published 2003-12-01


  • pelargonium &times,
  • hortorum,
  • annuals,
  • New Guinea impatiens,
  • variety trial


On December 6, 2002, 18 plants of 53 cultivars of New Guinea impatiens and 18 cultivars of geraniums were transplanted into a trial garden located at the University of Florida Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center. The plants were planted as three groups of six plants, with the groups being randomly placed in the garden. The New Guinea impatiens cultivars were planted under 30% shade while the geraniums were planted in full sun. Plants were watered three times per week for 30 minutes using overhead irrigation. Monthly evaluations were conducted to observe plant height and width (size), flower number, number of plants with flowers, insect and disease damage, and quality rating. Quality was rated on a scale of 0 to 5 with 5 = excellent, 1 = poor, and 0 = dead. Several of the geranium cultivars died during February and March due to Xanthomonas. Two consumer preference surveys also were conducted with the first survey in January and the second in March. Fifty percent or more survey respondents in January chose the following geranium cultivars Fantasia Coral, Fantasia Shocking Pink, Showcase Pink Parfait, and Showcase Purple and the following New Guinea impatiens cultivars Celebration Deep Red, Celebration Electric Rose, Celebrette Coral Light, and Super Sonic Cherry Cream as favorites.