Within the last few decades, chemicals promoting plant growth have been employed on several major commercial crops. The use of these chemicals can provide plants with the necessary nutrients for crop production. ‘Langdale’, ‘Red LaSoda’, and ‘Vivaldi’ were grown and plant growth promotion inducer (PGPI) applied in Hastings, FL in spring of 2012. Differences were found among yields, with PGPI slightly but not significantly (P> 0.05)increasing marketable potatoes for both ‘Vivaldi’ and ‘Langdale’ and significantly (P< 0.01) reducing non-marketable ‘Langdale’ potatoes. ‘Red LaSoda’ potato yields were not significantly changed in PGPI plots; however, overall ‘Red LaSoda’ yields were low due to salinity issues caused by drought. Marketable yields were used to determine cost benefits (based on current market values) from the application of PGPI. These results indicated that PGPI can positively impact both ‘Langdale’
($1,088/acre) and ‘Vivaldi’ ($319/acre) potato production with little impact on ‘Red LaSoda’. Tuber quality in ‘Langdale’ potatoes was significantly improved by PGPI based on the reduction of growth cracks and rots. By applying PGPI chemicals capable of promoting plant growth, both potato yields and tuber quality can be improved, increasing economic gains.