The Geography of Religious Diversity in Florida
Geographers have a long-standing engagement with the spatiality of religion. Cultural geographers, of course, have focused on this issue for same time (Zelinksy 1961;Sopher t981; Levine 1986;Wilson 1993; Park 1994). More recently, the discipline has explored religion as a social and political force deeply intertwined with relations of class, gender, ethnicity, and place (Kong 1990, 2001; Kiong and Kong 2000; Valins 2000; Zelinsky 200 I; Vincent and Warf 2002;Hervieu-Leger 2002; Proctor 2006). Globally, this issue has been given additional impetus by the upsurge in religious fundamentalism that arose following the end of the cold. war (Stump 2000).