Household Water In Northern Trinidad: Source, Collection, Storage, And Socioeconomics


  • Siana Lakhan Department of Geosciences, Florida Atlantic University
  • Tara Root Department of Geosciences, Florida Atlantic University
  • Maria Fadiman Department of Geosciences, Florida Atlantic University


Water-supply --Trinidad and Tobago --Trinidad, Drinking water --Contamination, Water quality management, Sanitation, Household, International agencies, Urbanization, Municipal services, Urban poor, Globalization, Poverty, Public Policy


This paper presents results of household surveys conducted in Trinidad's Northern Range to assess I) the source of household water, 2) the methods used for collecting and storing household water, and 3) the reliability of household water sources. This case study adds to the body of literature about household water in a part of the world and socioeconomic groups that are understudied.


