Vol. 48, Special Edition (Summer 2005)


  • Florida Library Association Florida Library Association


Preface ...............................................................................................5

A Course in Cultural Heritage Harnesses the Power of the Internet Marsha L. Burmeister .............................8

Building on Florida Heritage: The PALMM Collaborative Digital Library Experience Megan Waters ....................................12

The History of John Ringling’s Library: Preserving the Heritage of a Great Cultural Institution Linda R. McKee ............17

Florida’s Visual Memory: The Florida Photographic Archives Gloria Colvin ..........................................30

From Bricks and Mortar to Library Teeming with Life: Revisiting the African-American Research Library and Cultural Center Henrietta Smith ..................................................39

Cooperative Dimensions of Digitization Projects at Florida Atlantic University Andrew Adaryukov and William Miller ..........43

Dissolving Boundaries: a Roadmap to African-American and Diversity Resources Sherry Sherrod DuPree ..........................55

Building a Better Village: Connecting Cultural Institutions through Historical Research James A. Schnur .............................62


