Problems in Costa Rican thrips taxonomy and systematics (Insecta: Thysanoptera)


  • Laurence A. Mound Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, PO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601


generic synonyms, Code of Zoological Nomenclature, microscopy, thrips


The following nomenclatural actions are in response to a series of published reports, emanating from the University of Costa Rica, that were based on faulty microscopy and inaccurate scholarship. Among Thysanoptera Phlaeothripidae, the recently described genera Kolia and Arthrips are considered new synonyms of Holothrips, and reasons are provided for continuing to regard Abiastothrips as a synonym of Holothrips; also Camilothrips and Marinaella are considered new synonyms of Eurythrips. Among Thripidae, Frankliniella caribae is considered a new synonym of Frankliniella insularis and the synonymy of Frankliniella fortissima with insularis is re-established; Jessicathrips is considered a new synonym of Thrips genus. In addition, two misinterpretations of the Code of Zoological Nomenclature are discussed.



Las siguientes acciones de nomenclatura son en respuesta a una serie de informes publicados, que proceden de la Universidad de Costa Rica, los cuales se basaron en un microscopía pobre usado y un conocimiento inexacto. Entre los Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae, se consideran los géneros recientemente descritos Kolia y Arthrips nuevos sinónimos de Holothrips, y se aportan las razones para continuar considerando Abiastothrips como sinónimo de Holothrips; también se consideran Camilothrips y Marinaella nuevos sinónimos de Eurythrips. Entre los Thripidae, se considera Frankliniella caribae un nuevo sinónimo de Frankliniella insularis y se restablece la sinonimia de Frankliniella fortissima con Frankliniella insularis; Jessicathrips se considera un nuevo sinónimo del género Thrips. Además, se discuten dos erroneas interpretaciones del Código de Nomenclatura Zoológica.


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