Melanoplus differentialis (Thomas) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) and several other species of grasshoppers invade urban/suburban landscapes and retail/wholesale nurseries during the hot, dry summers in the southern United States to consume the foliage of many species of landscape plants and turfgrass. Two experiments were conducted to determine which insecticides could be used to safely provide residual control for the continual daily migration of grasshoppers in urban landscapes and nurseries. Leaves from treated Hibiscus moscheutos were harvested sequentially in time at 1-, 5-, and 11-days posttreatment and adult differential grasshoppers were confined on them for 24-, 48- and 72-hr exposures. Treatments with two synthetic pyrethroids, bifenthrin 0.66F (0.782 ml/liter) and lambda-cyhalothrin 9.52 WP (0.748 g/liter), provided 94 and 83%, mortality respectively, with 24-hr exposure to the 1-day-old treated leaves. Both chemicals provided 100% control of the grasshoppers during 72-hr exposure. The half rate (0.391 ml/liter) of bifenthrin also provided 89% control within the 72-hr evaluation. Treatments with diazinon AG600 (4.25 ml/liter) also provided 80-85% control with 72-hr exposure on the 1-day-old treated leaves. Acephate 75% S (0.803 g/liter) provided 33-39% control on the 1-day-old residues. Lambda-cyhalothrin provided 84% control with 72-hr exposure to the 5-day-old treated leaves. Residual control was also provided at 5 days by bifenthrin and acephate (53% and 46-50%, respectively). Most materials evaluated failed to provide any protection at all and none of the treatments provided residual control when grasshoppers were exposed to 11-day-old residues. No phytotoxicity to hibiscus was observed due to any of the treatments.Downloads
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