Research Reports: Life History of Trichopria Stomoxydis (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea: Diapriidae) a Gregarious Endoparasite of Stomoxys Calcitrans from Zimbabwe, Africa


  • Philip B. Morgan
  • J. A. Hogsette
  • R. S. Patterson


A gregarious species of Trichopria stomoxydis Huggert, (Hymenoptera: Prototrupoidae: Diapriidae) collected near Harare, Zimbabwe, Africa, and host-specific for Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) was studied. It was endoparasitic, using the body of the host as a cocoon within the puparium. Males emerged first, and mating occurred as soon as the females emerged. Females preferred pupae <24 h old, but would parasitize 1-, 2- and 3-day-old pupae. Oviposition time was 30-45 min, with one oviposition wound per host. Immature development was 13-18 (X 15) days, with a male-to-female sex ratio of 1:3, and a growth rate of 7.9 fold. Each pupa was capable of producing 6-20 (X 11.5) females. The daily survival rate of adult females was 0.3419.






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