Host Plants of Taylorilygus Pallidulus and Polymerus Basalis (Hemiptera: Miridae) in the Delta of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi


  • G. L. Snodgrass
  • W. P. Scott
  • J. W. Smith


Cultivated crops and wild host plants were sampled with a sweepnet at 15 locations in the delta of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi from September 1981 through October 1982 for populations of Taylorilygus pallidulus Blanchard (TP) and Polymerus basalis (Reuter) (PB). Thirteen host plant species of TP and 18 of PB are reported. The majority of these hosts TP (12 spp.) and PB (13 spp.) were in the family Asteraceae. All of the host plants of TP and PB were also hosts of the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) (TPB). TP and PB populations were highest during the fall, and sometimes exceeded those of the TPB on the same plant species. The importance of having populations of TP or PB (or both species) along with populations of the TPB on the same host plants species is discussed.






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