Predation of Gasteracantha Cancriformis (Arachnidae: Araneidae) Eggs in Florida Citrus Groves by Phalacrotophora Epeirae (Insecta: Phoridae) and Arachnophaga Ferruginea (Insecta: Eupelmidae)


  • Martin H. Muma
  • Karl J. Stone


Predation of 216 egg cases of Gasteracantha cancriformis (L.) collected from more than 20 groves involved 48.2% of the cases: 43.7% by the phorid, Phalacrotophora epeirae (Brues), 3.2% by the eupelmid, Arachnophaga ferruginea Gahan, and 1.3% by unidentifiable predators. The phorid completed development in 2 to 4 weeks with a mean attack rate of 17 larvae per egg case. The eupelmid completed development in 3 to 6 weeks with a mean attack rate of 12 larvae per egg case. A hyperparasitic eulophid, Tetrastichus sp., emerged from the pupae of the phorid. The attack rate of this hyperparasite was not determined but 70% of the spider egg cases attacked by the phorid also produced the eulophid. Spider egg destruction was not always complete in predated cases but the predator-parasite complex unquestionably reduces populations of this spider.






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