Looking the Part: Transcending Gender in the Portraits of Agrippina the Younger, Kristin M. Hébert
Narcissus the Hunter in the Mosaics of Antioch, Elizabeth M. Molacek
The Political Context of Michelangelo’s Cleopatra for Tommaso de’Cavalieri, Abigail Upshaw
Performing for the Court: Sofonisba Anguissola’s Self-Portraits at the Easel as Court Gifts, Kira Maye
“Les boutons de l’habit de gala de Toussaint L’Ouverture:” Questions of Authenticity, Use, and Meaning, Emily Kathleen Thames
Transcending the Cloistered Convent: An Examination of the Role of Secular Mural Paintings in El Carmen de la Asuncion in Cuenca, Ecuador, Leslie E. Todd
Sojourner Truth’s Fugitive Images and the Disruptive Power of Circulation Anxiety, Samuel Dylan Ewing
Amateur Painting: Honoré Daumier’s “Homage to Fragonard” and the Rococo, Elizabeth Saari Browne
Performers or Petrushkas? The Metamorphosis of the Human Actor in Alexandra Exter’s Designs for Theater and Film, Laura Hunt
The Soul in the Machine: The Case of Charles Sheeler and His Classic Landscape, Ashley Lazevnick
An Ethnography of Institutional Culture in the Photography of Candida Höfer, Chelsea Rinehart