Candomblé is one of many Afro-Brazilian religions that boast of African origins consequent, especially of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. In recent times, efforts toward vitiating the transnational link between Africa and Brazil as unstable, historically, and socially have become replete among some scholars – the claim being that merely finding the echoes of Africa in the Americas are not sufficient grounds to ferment an essentialist perception of these Afro-Brazilian religions as purely African. Whereas this research agrees with such scholars that an essentialist understanding of Afro-Brazilian religions is unfair, it contests their outlook that portraying Yorùbá as the origin of Candomblé and other Afro-Brazilian religions may be misleading. Hence, for its aim, this research makes etymological and philological assessments of some important concepts central to Yorùbá identity and rituals. Whilst establishing that an essentialist reading will not do, the study explores discourses on sexuality and matriarchal cults, divination, and sainthood.
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