The ecology and life cycle of the Amazonian <i> Morpho cisseis phanodemus</i> Hewitson, 1869, with a comparative review of early stages in the genus <i>Morpho</i> (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Morphinae).
C. R. Garcia
S. Gallusser
L. Lachaume
P. Blandin
Morphinae, Morpho, M. cisseis, eggs, larvae, hostplant, life cycle, diversity, phylogeny, north-eastern Peru
We studied the ecology and life-cycle of Morpho cisseis phanodemus Hewitson, 1869, in north-eastern Peru. Data on adult flight activity are provided and the egg, larval instars and pupa are described for the first time. The hostplant belongs to the genus Abuta (Menispermaceae). The life cycle length is compared with available information for other Morpho species and the diversity of early stages in the genus Morpho is discussed from a phylogenetic perspective.