Some Gondwanan and Laurasian elements in the Satyrine fauna of South America (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae).


  • A. L. Viloria


Amphidecta, Argyrophorus, Auca, biogeography, Chillanella, Cosmosatyrus, Diaphanos, Elina, Erebia, Erebiola, Erebiina, Etcheverrius, Faunula, Gyrocheilus, Haywardella, Homoeonympha, Hypocystina, Idioneurula, Lymanopoda, Manerebia, Nelia, Neomaenas, Neomaniola, Neosatyrus, Neotropical, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Oreixenica, Palmaris, Pampasatyrus, Pamperis, Paratisiphone, Percnodaimon, Pronophilina, Punargentus, Quilaphoetosus, Sabatoga, South America, Spinantenna, Stuardosatyrus, Tamania, Tasmania, taxonomy, Telraphlebia, Tisiphone, Xenica


A summary of the current knowledge on the satyrine butterflies in South America is given, and 27 American satyrine genera, most of them Fuego-Patagonian or high Andean, are transferred to other subtribes: 19 to the Hypocystina, and 8 to the Erebiina. Two genera formerly believed to belong to the Pronophilina remain in uncertain positions.

Se transfieren a otras tribus veintisiete géneros de satirinos americanos, la mayoría de ellos fuego-patagónicos o altiandinos: diecinueve pasan a Hypocystina, y ocho a Erebiina. Dos géneros, anteriormente considerados como pertenecientes a Pronophilina permanecen por el momenta en posición incierta.


