Immature stages of the satyrine butterflies Bicyclus safitza (Westwood), B. madetes (Hewitson), B. vulgaris (Butler), B. sanaos (Hewitson), B. sandace (Hewitson), and Hallelesis halyma (Fabricius), from Ghana, West Africa, are illustrated and compared. The divergence ofthe genus Hallelesis from members of Bicyclus, to which it is closely related, is supported by the appearance of its immatures. Comparison of themorphology of the above species with another member of the tribe Mycalesini (the genus Henotesia), as well as with African members of tribesYpthimini and Maelanitini, shows an increase in size of the third stemmata from primitive to advanced Satyrinae. Contrary to what is widely statedin the literature, some satyrine larvae do not have enlarged third stemmata.