There is No Rose:Contemporary Choreography Meets the Anglican Choral Tradition


  • Hannah Barnard Faculty Advisor: Gerri Houlihan The School of Dance Florida State University

Palabras clave:

dance, choral, religion, Anglican Church, contemporary dance


My choreographic research project contains three phases. In phase one, I choreographed a solo work of contemporary dance for the choral piece “There Is No Rose,” arranged by Randall Stroope. My primary objective in this phase was to design a new approach to the movement development process
by exploring academic sources and translating them into choreography. In phase two, I performed my work with live accompaniment by the Oakland Girls Choir of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in multiple Anglican churches in the U.S. and in England. I adapted the work I’d developed in a large space with
recorded music to small spaces with live music. In phase three, I obtained feedback from twelve audience members through personal interviews. This phase contains two main objectives: to examine the audience’s perceptions of my choreography, and to analyze the relationship between dance and the Anglican Church. My main research findings occurred during phase three. The interviews revealed ways in which individuals see the same movement differently, identified qualities that distinguish sacred dance from concert dance, and led to a set of guidelines that may facilitate contemporary dance
into the tradition of Anglican worship.

Biografía del autor/a

Hannah Barnard, Faculty Advisor: Gerri Houlihan The School of Dance Florida State University

Hannah Barnard is a Senior BFA
student in the FSU School of Dance
whose choreography has been
showcased in FSU productions. She has
a strong musical background in piano
and choral singing. Upon receiving
her undergraduate degree, she will
pursue a professional dance career as a
performer, choreographer, and teacher.






Research Articles