Elements of sustainable agriculture


  • R. McSorley
  • D. L. Porazinska

Palabras clave:

agroecosystem, ecological niche, nematode, nematode management, sustainability, sustainable agriculture.


Elements of sustainable agriculture. Nematropica 31:1-9. A nearly infinite number of dimensions must be considered if productivity of an agroecosystem is to be sustained indefinitely. In many cases, the most limiting element may determine the future sustainability of the system and set the context in which management decisions, including those involving nematodes, must be made. Some examples of critical elements that may change over time include human population size, water, fossil fuel energy, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, salinity, economics, and amount of cropland. The implications of these factors in future nematode management strategies are discussed briefly. The multiple dimensions affecting the sustainability of an agroecosystem parallel the dimensions of the ecological niches of the organisms involved, but include a number of humanimposed dimensions (political, social, economic, and management practices) as well. A variety of complex problems, some with conflicting solutions, mus





