Larson, B., J. L. Stimac, R. McSorley, and C. MacVean. 2000. Effects of cropping system on nematode population densities in small-scale highland Guatemalan agriculture. Nematropica 30:177-191. The effects of adding selected intercrops to small-scale corn and bean cropping systems in the western Guatemalan highland state of Sololawere evaluated to determine if the associations would increase nematode damage to the principal crops and necessitate use of additional nematode management tactics. Nematode densities were sampled four times during a year-long crop sequence in small plots of corn (Zea maysL.) in monoculture; corn in association with black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), faba beans ( Vicia faba L.), and broccoli ( Brassica oleracea L.); and corn in association with black beans, cilantro Coriandrum sativum L.), and amaranth ( Amaranthus cruentus L.). Corn crops were followed sequentially by black bean in monoculture, black bean in association with tomato ( Lycopersicon escule