In this paper evidence is presented for the reproduction of Radopholus similis in foliar tissues of Anubias barteri Schott. Burrowing nematodes colonized petioles and leaves of A. barteri in addition to the rhizomes. The nematode invaded the epidermis and the mesophyll of leaves causing cavities and cell disruption in the epidermis, palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma. Cavities extended from the spongy parenchyma into the periphery of the vascular bundles disrupting the regular flow of nutrient solution in the leaf tissues. Nematode feeding and migration also damaged the palisade parenchyma and cell chloroplasts inducing chlorosis and small brown lesions on the blades of the infected leaves. The burrowing nematodes recovered from A. barteri reproduced on sour orange and Duncan grapefruit in the greenhouse and on sour orange in the laboratory. In greenhouse tests, the citrus race of R. similis from citrus and the population from A. barteri reproduced on four Anubias species. Mo