Faghihi, J., R. A. Vierling, J. B. Santini, and V. R. Ferris. 2007. Effects of selected fungicides on development of soybean cyst nematode. Nematropica 37:259-265. Greenhouse screening of soybean seedlings with soybean cyst nematodes takes several months and results can be confounded by fungal infection of the seedlings. Rhizoctonia solani was found to be a major problem and resorting to the use of fungicides was necessary. The effect of different fungicides on soybean cyst nematode (SCN) was assessed. An unusually low number of cysts developed on susceptible soybeans treated with Cleary 3336F fungicide in the greenhouse. Laboratory studies revealed a negative correlation between concentration of Cleary 3336F and number of active second stage juveniles (J2). Field studies in 2003, 2004 and 2005 showed no significant effect of Cleary 3336F on yield or SCN population.