Research: Comportamiento de Diferentes Especies Vegetales a la Invasion y Desarrollo de Nacobbus aberrans (Thorne, 1935), Thorne and Allen, 1944


  • L. Cespedez
  • J. Franco
  • R. Montalvo


False Root-Knot Nematode, Host Plants, Nacobbus aberrans, Trap-Plants


Cultivated and non-cultivated plant species widely grown or present in a potato crop system were evaluated under greenhouse conditions in order to establish their host or non-host status to a Nacobbus aberrans population from the Experimental Station of Toralapa (Cochabamba, Bolivia) located at 3453 masl. Plant species in pots (250cc) containing soil naturally infested with N. aberrans were evaluated at 30, 60, 90, 100, and 130 days after planting for the presence of root galls, egg laying females and nematodes at other developmental stages in the roots. Results were used to define the plant status as a host for development of N. aberrans. The presence or absence of root galls and fecund females were the primary determinants of the host or non-host status of plants. Depending on the degree of galling and nematode reproduction, plants were classified as efficient, or moderately or poorly efficient hosts. Efficient hosts included potato cultivars and the common weed Spergula arvensis,





