Research Notes: Respuesta de Tres Cultivares y un Hibrido de Musa a Radopholus similis en Costa Rica
G. Fallas
N. Marban-Mendoza
Burrowing Nematode, Musa, Radopholus similis, Root Lesion Index
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the reaction of three varieties and one hybrid of Musa to inoculation with Radopholus similis. The following materials obtained from in vitro micropropagation were tested: Musa AAA cv. Yangambi, Musa AAB cv. Currare, Musa AAA cv. Gran Enano and the hybrid Musa AAAB 'Bras-9' (Musa AAB cv. Prata x Musa acuminata ssp. burmanicoides). After 4 weeks of acclimatation to ambient conditions, the plantlets were inoculated with 100 Radopholus similis. Eight weeks after inoculation, plant height, plant and root fresh weight, final nematode population in the roots and root lesion index were recorded. The results confirm the partial resistance of Yangambi and the susceptibility of Cavendish varieties (Gran Enano) to Radopholus similis.