Desarrollo de Nacobbus abberans (Thorne, 1936) Thorne y Allen 1944, en Placas Petri: Metodo Alternativo Para la Evaluacion de Resistencia en Solanum tuberosum L.
The ability of N. aberrans to multiply in petri dishes was studied as an alternative way for resistance evaluation under laboratory conditions. Ten days after inoculating with vermiform females, gall formation occurred in roots of susceptible potato cultivars. Eggs and J2 inoculum required a longer period of time (60 days) and there was no relationship between amount of inoculum and gall formation. However, in a breeding program for resistance against N. aberrans, the time of screening and selection of resistant individual plants could be shortened by evaluating the development of inoculated J2 stages into J4 or by evaluating gall formation when vermiform females are used, since a good correlation was observed between both inoculum types on the studied susceptible potato cultivars.