Two experiments on broccoli and one on squash were conducted in the spring of 1987 on Myakka fine sand in which soil fumigant nematicides (1,3-dichloropropene and metasodium) and nonfumigant nematicides (carbofuran, ethoprop, and fenamiphos) were tested for efficacy in reducing injury from Belonolaimus longicaudatus, Meloidogyne incognita, and Hoplolaimus galeatus, and increasing crop yields. Both soil fumigants significantly reduced populations of the three nematode species and increased yields. Of the nonfumigants, fenamiphos significantly reduced populations of B. longicaudatus and M. incognita and increased yields. Carbofuran and ethoprop reduced galling caused by M. incognita, but did not consistently reduce populations of B. longicaudatus; however, yields were increased. None of the nonfumigants were effective against H. galeatus.