Effect of Fumigant and Nonfumigant Nematicides on Plant Nematode Populations and Yield of Sweet Corn Produced on a Fine Sandy Soil in Florida
H. L. Rhoades
Belonolaimus longicaudatus, Hoplolaimus galeatus, Zea mays Var. Saccharata, Chemical Control
A 3-yr study was conducted on Mvakka fine sand in which soil fumigant nematicides (EDB. 1,3-D, and metam-sodium) and nonfumigant nematicides (aldoxycarb, carbofuran, ethoprop, fenamiphos, oxamyl, and terbufos) were tested for their efficacy in reducing injury from Belonolaimus longicaudatus and Hoplolaimus galeatus and increasing vield on sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata). All of the soil fumigants significantly reduced populations of both B. longicaudatus and H. galeatus and significantly increased yields of the sweet corn. Of the nonfumigants, aldoxycarb, fenamiphos, and terbufos consistently gave a significant reduction of B. longicaudatus populations, but carbofuran, ethoprop, and oxamyl did not. None of the nonfumigants were effective for reducing populations of H. galeatus. However, in most instances, sweet corn vields were not significantly different for fumigant and nonfumigant nematicides and all were significantly higher than the untreated checks.