Evaluating the indicative role of soil nematode assemblages and food web indices in two wetlands
Q. Tahseen
A. Liang
A. Hussain
Nematode assemblages and the food web indices were studied in a Ramsar wetland, Keoladeo National Park (KNP), India, and Yuan Ming Yuan Park (YMP), China also referred to as an imperial garden. The diversity indices (Shannon diversity index, Simpson’s index of dominance, Margalef and Pielou J indices) indicated high diversity in the two habitats. A total of 82 and 79 nematode genera were identified in KNP and YMP, respectively. However, the composition of nematode assemblages at different sampling stations fluctuated occasionally. The Maturity Index (MI) generally indicated stability of the ecosystems, with the exception of some sampling sites at KNP that were found to be disturbed. The indicator values of Structure Index (SI) and Enrichment Index (EI) revealed stable, structured and nutrient-rich substrata at YMP and stable, structured, occasionally nutrient-stressed substrata at KNP.