Damage potential of Aphelenchoides swarupi and Aphelenchus avenae in milky mushroom, Calocybe indica


  • S. Kumar
  • A. S. Khanna
  • Y. S. Chandel
  • Y. K. Rana
  • S. Jandaik


The damage potential of the nematodes Aphelenchoides swarupi and Aphelenchus avenae, at 1000 individuals per 10 kg of compost, in milky mushroom (Calocybe indica) was estimated by inoculation of the nematodes at the times of spawning and casing. Nematodes inoculated at spawning did not cause significant mycelial depletion in C. indica. Feeding by nematodes occurred only after casing and, thus, significant mycelial depletion was observed at pinhead. Total production showed no significant differences among the nematode inocula irrespective of inoculation stage and nematode species involved. Aphelenchoides swarupi caused sporophore losses of 15.7 and 13.0% when inoculated at spawning and casing times, respectively. Corresponding losses by A. avenae were 11.0 and 11.6%. The flush pattern in C. indica inoculated with the nematodes showed no disturbance in weekly yield until the fourth week but production of fruiting bodies declined continuously thereafter up to the seventh week. Neither species of nematode, when inoculated at spawning, showed multiplication until casing. The greatest multiplication rate of 319× was recorded for A. swarupi inoculated at spawning.





