Management of carnation and gerbera to control the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, in commercial polyhouses


  • M. Nagesh
  • P. Parvatha Reddy


Studies on the management of carnation and gerbera to control root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, in commercial polyhouses using pre-plant (dazomet) and post-plant (chlorpyriphos, carbosulfan and carbofuran) chemicals in a comparison with various combinations of and with bio-agents (Paecilomyces lilacinus, Pochonia chlamydosporia) and neem cake were made. Pre-plant treatment of beds with dazomet followed by the application of neem cake (1 kg/m2, 15 days later) along with P. lilacinus or P. chlamydosporia significantly reduced populations of M. incognita and the mortality of plants, and suppressed the nematode infection for nearly 2 years. The antagonistic fungi established themselves better in the beds treated with dazomet than in untreated beds. Chlorpyriphos and carbofuran (each applied twice in 6 months) significantly reduced nematode populations in roots and soil. However, there was a build-up of nematode populations in beds treated with these two chemicals after 1 year. On a long term basis, soil management with pre-plant treatment of dazomet, followed by the application of oil cakes plus antagonistic fungi, was more effective against M. incognita than post-plant treatment with carbofuran, carbosulfan and chlorpyriphos on carnation and gerbera grown in polyhouses.





