Heat stability, periodate sensitivity and solubility of bacterial adhesins and nematode receptors in two Anguina-Rathayibacter interactions


  • S. Indarti
  • I. T. Riley


The heat stability and periodate sensitivity of the nematode receptors and bacterial adhesins and the solubility of the bacterial adhesins involved in the adhesion of Rathayibaeter toxieus to Anguina funesta and R. tritiei to A. tritiei were examined. The data were consistent with R. toxieus having at least two adhesins for A. funesta, one heat labile and the other heat stable. The complementary receptors had a frequency of 50 and 15 %, respectively, for the nematodes tested, and had the opposite heat stability. R. tritid appeared to have one heat labile (inactivated by 16 min at 100 °C) adhesin for A. tritiei. The complementary, heat stable receptor occurred in 100% of the test population. Periodate treatment of either the nematode or the bacterium eliminated adhesion. There was no evidence that the bacterial adhesins were soluble.





